
Informing Residents of Wind Turbine Concerns

Preserving the Heart of Livingston

Citizens for Conserving Livingston County is a group of residents and property owners in Livingston County, Illinois, whose goal is to preserve and protect our farmland, the health and well-being of our citizens, and the natural beauty of our community by discouraging the development of commercial wind projects.

An open letter to Livingston County landowners and residents from Citizens for Conserving Livingston County.

Current Project…

An application for the Panther Grove 2 wind energy project was submitted to the county in October 2024. This project will be west of Pontiac and impacts the townships of Nebraska, Rooks Creek, Waldo, and Pike. This request was submitted through a joint venture between Enbridge Inc. (through the acquisition of Tri Global Energy), whose office is located in Dallas, Texas, and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) North American Flagship Fund, based in New York, New York.


The next Zoning Board of Appeals will be held on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 6:00 p.m..
All meetings will be held at:

Livingston County Historic Courthouse

112 W. Madison Street
Pontiac, IL 61756

Act now…

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Attend Public Meetings

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